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75 Hilarious Short Jokes That Will Make You Giggle

    1 / 75

    What's the best thing about Switzerland

    2 / 75

    I invented a word!

    3 / 75

    Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers?

    4 / 75

    Why do we tell actors to break a leg?

    5 / 75

    Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar

    6 / 75

    Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road

    7 / 75

    Short jokes - how many times can you subtract 10 from 100? Math joke

    8 / 75

    Knock! Knock! Who's there?

    9 / 75

    Hear about the new restaurant called Karma?

    10 / 75

    A woman in labour suddenly shouted

    11 / 75

    A bear walks into a bar

    12 / 75

    Short jokes - Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?

    13 / 75

    Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?

    14 / 75

    Why don't scientists trust atoms?

    15 / 75

    Why did the chicken go to the seance?

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    Where are average things manufactured?

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    How do you drown a hipster?

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    What sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches?

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    What does a nosy pepper do?

    20 / 75

    Short Jokes - pirates

    21 / 75

    Why can't you explain puns to kleptomaniacs?

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    How do you keep a bagel from getting away?

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    Doctor joke

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    What kind of exercise do lazy people do?

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    Why don't Calculus majors throw house parties?

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    What do you call a parade of rabbits hopping backwards?

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    What does Charles Dickens keep in his spice rack?

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    What's the difference between a cat and a comma?

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    Why should the number 288 never be mentioned

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    Tin Man joke

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    Bald man joke

    32 / 75

    Short jokes - What rhymes with orange

    33 / 75

    What did the left eye say to the right eye?

    34 / 75

    What do you call a fake noodle?

    35 / 75

    How do you make a tissue dance?

    36 / 75

    What did the 0 say to the 8?

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    Pony joke

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    What did one hat say to the other?

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    Magic dog joke

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    Shark joke

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    What's orange and sounds like a carrot?

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    Dinosaur joke

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    Short jokes - And then it dawned on me

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    Pirate joke

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    Frog joke

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    Buffalo joke

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    What is an astronaut's favourite part on a computer?

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    Why did the yogurt go to the art exhibition?

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    Grammar joke

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    Why did the hipster burn his mouth?

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    Scrabble joke

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    Marriage joke

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    Calendar joke

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    Short jokes - Time flies like an arrow

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    Poetry joke

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    Batman joke

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    Why did the Oreo go to the dentist?

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    What do you get from a pampered cow?

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    Basketball joke

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    What breed of dog can jump higher than buildings?

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    Why did the M&M go to school?

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    Why do bees have sticky hair?

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    Short jokes - What did the cop say to his belly button?

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    I got my daughter a fridge for her birthday

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    Root beer joke

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    Why aren't koalas actual bears?

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    Rest in peace to boiling water

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    Animal joke

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    Why did the nurse need a red pen at work?

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    How do you throw a space party?

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    Numbers joke

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    Baseball joke

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    What do you call a train carrying bubblegum?

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    Math jokes

    75 / 75

    Why can't male ants sink?

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