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Funny Joke: There was a guy on a plane trying to get a whisky, but the stewardess was ignoring him
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    👇 Read The Joke Of The Day 👇
    There was this guy on a plane trying to get a drink.

    He tried to get the attention of the air stewardess, but wasn’t having much luck.

    Suddenly, the parrot sitting next to him leans over and squawks, “Hey! You! Get me a bloomin’ whisky.”

    Hurriedly, the stewardess brings the parrot back a drink, but still ignores the guy.

    The parrot downs the whisky in one go and then screamed out again, “Hey! You! Yes you with the push-up bra and the face full of botox. Bring me another whisky!”

    Again, the stewardess rushes over and serves the parrot.

    The guy still cannot get her attention, but he’s a bit clever and realizes where he’s going wrong.

    He shouts, “Hey! You! You with the trampish hair. Yes you, you halfwit! Bring me a bloomin’ whisky!”

    The stewardess rushes off to the back of the plane, but instead of coming back with a drink, she reappears with two burly men and points to the man and the parrot.

    A moment later, during freefall to imminent death, the parrot turns to the guy and says,

    “Hey! You know, for someone who can’t fly, you sure are a cheeky bugger.”

    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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