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🤣 BEST JOKE OF THE DAY! – He makes the local jock a bet | Jokes

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    👇 THE JOKE 👇

    Reggie, the local athletic champion, was not shy about blowing his own horn.

    Whenever he had a chance, he went on and on about his athletic prowess.

    Everybody in the club had heard the same stories over and over, and could recite them by heart.

    One day he was going on and on again, when a newcomer spoke up.

    “Reggie, I will bet you a hundred dollars that I can wheel something in a wheelbarrow from one end of the football field to the other, and you can’t wheel it back.”

    Reggie looked the newcomer over. He certainly wasn’t a hefty sort of guy. He thought of bags of cement, bricks, iron, sand, and concluded that whatever the newcomer could do, he could do better.

    “You’re on,” he said, and they shook on it.

    Everybody followed them out of the clubhouse and walked to the field, while somebody was sent to borrow a wheelbarrow from the grounds staff.

    Reggie and the newcomer walked to one end of the field and drew a starting line.

    When the wheelbarrow was ready, the newcomer rubbed his hands, picked up the handles, and said,

    “Reggie, my friend, get in!”

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