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😁 FUNNY JOKES 😁 – A parrot and gecko are in a tree drinking whiskey when the gecko goes for water

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    A parrot is perched on a limb, drinking whiskey, when a gecko strolls by. The gecko glances up and asks, “What’s going on?” The parrot replies, “Just enjoying a quiet drink. Climb up and join me, buddy.”

    The gecko ascends and sits beside the parrot, and together they share the bottle. After a while, the gecko mentions his mouth feels dry, and decides to skedaddle to the pond for a drink.

    At the water’s edge, the gecko is so buzzed that he tips forward and splashes in. A nearby alligator spots the dilemma and paddles over to rescue the dizzy gecko, helping him ashore.

    He asks the gecko, “What in the world happened to you?” The gecko recounts his tale of sharing whiskey shots in the tree with the parrot, getting cottonmouth, and then tumbling into the pond while trying to quench his thirst.

    Curious, the alligator decides to see this for himself. He trundles off into the forest and locates the tree where the parrot is still perched, leisurely drinking away. He shouts up, “Hey, PARROT!”

    The parrot peeks down with wide eyes and exclaims, “Whoa, BUDDY! Just how much water did you drink?!”

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