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Two blonde women are tasked with buring their Uncle at Sea 😂 | Jokes Of The Day ✔️

    〰️🌟 The Funny Joke 🌟〰️
    An old seaman is setting his final affairs and the only family he has left is two blondes neices.

    So he goes to them and tells them that he wants to be buried at sea and they agree.

    The old seaman finally passes and the two blondes load his body into a rowboat and start off.

    After they had gone a little ways, one blonde says to stop rowing as she’s going to check the depth.

    So she gets out of the rowboat and the water is only up to her knees, so she tells the other blonde it’s not deep enough – they need to go further out.

    So they go further out and the blonde says she’s going to check the depth, and this time the water comes up to her neck. So she tells the other blonde its still not deep enough and they need to go out more.

    So they go out some more and again the blonde says she’s going to check the depth.

    This time she goes totally under and is out of sight for several seconds.

    When she comes up she tells the other blonde,…

    “This is deep enough! Hand me the shovel!”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

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