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The Chiefs wife gave birth to a white baby – but the Missionary struck a deal | Dirty Adult #jokes

    A missionary was spending time with a tribe in Africa when the chiefs wife gave birth to a white baby.

    The tribe was absolutely enraged at what this could mean since the missionary was the only white guy for miles.

    As the warriors of the tribe were closing in, about to inflict great bodily harm to the missionary, he attempted to save his life by saying, “You don’t understand! It’s completely possible! Look, every now and then there is a black sheep, right? Yet all the other sheep in the flock are white. It’s a one in a million chance, but it happens!”

    The warriors had a look of bewilderment, but at that moment the chief called off his warriors and ordered them to back away.

    Once they were out of earshot the chief leaned in to the missionary and said,

    “Alright, I won’t tell anybody about the kid, if you don’t tell anybody about the sheep!”

    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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