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Jokes Of The Day | A blonde woman goes home from the bar with a bodybuilder

    😆 Funny Jokes: 😆
    A young blonde woman at a bar struck up a conversation with a muscular bodybuilder.

    After some flirtatious banter, they decided to head to his place. As they arrived, the bodybuilder proudly peeled off his shirt, flexing his muscles and shouting, “Boom!”

    The blonde admired his physique and commented, “Wow, you’ve got an incredible chest!”

    He boasted, “Yeah, that’s 100 pounds of dynamite, sweetheart!”

    With another “Boom!” he tore off his pants to showcase his bulging legs. The blonde was amazed and said, “Oh my, such powerful legs you have!” He responded with a grin, “You bet, that’s 100 pounds of dynamite, sweetheart.”

    Then, with the most dramatic “Boom!” yet, he removed his underwear.

    This time, however, the blonde dashed out of the room like a bat out of hell.

    The bewildered bodybuilder hurriedly dressed and ran after her. Catching up, he asked, “Why did you take off like that?”

    Panting, the blonde replied, “I just realized with all that dynamite, it’s way too risky to stick around with such a short fuse!”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

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