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Joke: She has the breasts of a prom queen!

    Created by ✔️
    A woman sashays into her home with a grin spreading wider than a horizon. Her puzzled husband, intrigued by this unexpected euphoria, curiously asks, “Babe, did you win the lottery or what?”

    Beaming with delight, the wife says, “Oh my love, better than that! The doctor just told me that for a lady who’s knocked on the door of 45, I have a set of jugs that could give a prom queen a run for her money!”

    “Well, really?” her husband asks, feeling a mix of surprise and amusement, “And what did he comment about your 45-year-old ass?”

    She turns to him, her grin mischief personified, and retorts, “Darling, he never mentioned you at all!”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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