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Funny Joke: The Little Girl Asked Her Parents How the Human Race Began


    A little girl asked her mother a question,

    “Mummy, how did the human race begin?”

    The mother answered, “Well dear, God made Adam and Eve, and they had children, and so all of mankind was made.”

    The little girl pondered her mother’s answer.

    But the next day, the little girl asked her Daddy the same question.

    “Daddy, how did the human race begin?”

    The father answered, “It’s like this, babygirl… Many years ago, there were monkeys who really loved to breed, and from them the human race evolved.”

    This confused the little girl, as both parents answered the question with a different answer.

    So the next day, she returned to her mummy and said, “Mummy, you said that human beings were created from Adam and Eve, but Daddy said they evolved from monkeys?!”

    The mother answered,

    “Well dear, it’s really very simple,…”

    “I told you about my side of the family, and your daddy told you about his.”

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