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Funny Joke: She asks God how long she has left to live

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    👇🏾 THE JOKE 👇🏾
    A woman is in hospital having an operation when she has a vision of God.

    She asks God how long she has left to live, and God tells her she has 30 years left.

    Upon waking from surgery, the woman considers the next 30 years, and decides to make some changes.

    So she books herself a tummy tuck, face lift, liposuction, fillers.

    You name it, she had it done.

    After being released from hospital, and feeling glamorous, the woman struts across the road, and is hit by a car and dies.

    In front of God, she asks him why he told her she had 30 years left to live, when that was clearly not true.

    God shrugs his shoulders and says,

    “Well, I didn’t recognise you.”

    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

    Thanks for watching – we hope you enjoyed! 👍🏻

    #jokesoftheday #funny #humor

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