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🤣 Funny Joke: 👉 The man’s wife went missing on the lake 😂

    🤣 A funny joke that’ll make you laugh out loud! – The funniest jokes, humor & comedy ever told! 🤣

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    Thanks for watching our joke of the day – we hope you laughed! 👍🏻

    👇 Read The Joke Of The Day 👇
    The day after his wife vanished in a kayaking accident, a man from Newfoundland, Canada, opened his door to find two serious-looking Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers standing before him.

    One officer began, “Mr. Wilkens, we regret to inform you that we have news regarding your wife.”

    Wilkens blurted out anxiously, “Tell me! Did you find her?”

    The officers exchanged glances.

    An officer spoke, “We have some bad news, some good news, and some fantastic news. Which would you like to hear first?”

    A pale Mr. Wilkens, bracing himself, responded, “Give me the bad news.”

    The officer said, “I’m sorry, sir, but we recovered your wife’s body in the bay this morning.”

    Wilkens gasped, “Oh no!”

    After a moment, Wilkens gathered himself and asked, “So, what’s the good news?”

    The officer explained, “Well, when we brought her up, she had 12 twenty-five-pound king crabs and six large Dungeness crabs attached to her. We’re confident you’re entitled to a share of the catch.”

    Stunned, Wilkens asked, “If that’s the good news, then what’s the fantastic news?”

    With a straight face, the officer replied,

    “We’re pulling her up again tomorrow.”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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