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Blonde Joke: A woman was tired of stereotypes surrounding blondes and their lack of intelligence

    😆 For funny jokes: 😆
    Once upon a time, a determined blonde woman grew tired of the stereotypes surrounding blondes and their perceived lack of intelligence, so she decided to prove to her husband that blondes can indeed be smart.

    One day, while her husband was away at work, so she decided to take on the task of painting a couple of rooms in their house.

    Eager to showcase her intelligence, she got started right after her husband left for work.

    After a long day of painting, her husband returned home and immediately noticed the distinct smell of fresh paint.

    Curiosity piqued, he walked into the living room and found his wife lying on the floor, drenched in sweat.

    To his surprise, she was wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat simultaneously.

    Concerned, he rushed over and asked if she was alright.

    She assured him that she was fine and he asked her what she was doing.

    With a proud smile, she explained that she wanted to prove that not all blonde women are dumb, and she planned to do it by painting the entire house herself.

    Perplexed, he then inquired about the reason behind her peculiar attire, the ski jacket layered over the fur coat.

    She replied, “Well, while reading the directions on the paint can, it stated that for the best results, two coats should be applied.”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

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