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Funny Joke: I went to a cocktail party and met this absolutely stunning older lady…

    Created by ✔️
    During a soiree at this classy cocktail joint, I spot this absolutely ravishing woman, far advanced in her years.

    Let me tell you, this lady was an elegant 59, exuding a magnetic charm that could rival Marilyn Monroe.

    The evening unfolded with flirtatious banter and a round of rich, aged whiskey.

    Things were sparking when out of the blue, she playfully throws this question at me, “Sonny, have you ever danced a tango with a mother-daughter team?”

    Thinking this ladies daughter must be absolutely stunning also, I replied with a twinkle in my eye, “Well, that dance floor still awaits my footprints.”

    In a blink, she downed her vintage whiskey, looked at me with a mischievous smile, whispering, “Buckle up, darling, tonight, we dance.”

    The anticipation was high as we approached her residence, my heart drumming a Jazz rhythm within.

    As she elegantly unlocked the door, we tiptoed in.

    She suddenly belted out,

    “Hey, Ma! Up for a late-night show?”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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    Thanks for watching our joke of the day – we hope you laughed! 👍🏻

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