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Funny Joke: She Farts in the shopping center and is horrified by who heard – what happens next is…

    Created by ✔️
    A woman saunters into the glitzy Tiffany & Co, her eyes instantly captivated by a dazzlingly opulent diamond necklace.

    As she scurries over to get a better look, she uncomfortably breaks wind.

    Mortified, she scans the area, praying that no stylish salesperson was in the close vicinity to hear her unexpected symphony.

    To her horror, a salesman, as striking as he is slick, was indeed right behind her.

    Unfazed, he wears an air of poise only fitting for the lavishly posh house of Tiffany’s.

    He greets the lady with refined grace, “Good day, Madam. How may I assist you in our grand universe of glitterati today?”

    Still blushing, hoping her dreadful toot was only heard by herself, she musters up the courage to ask, “This magnificent necklace, kind Sir, how much is it priced at?”

    He smirks and retorts, “Well, Madam, if a mere glimpse of it has you ‘windy,’…

    “Brace yourself for a ‘hurricane’ when I reveal the price!”
    😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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