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😁 FUNNY JOKES 😁 – A man settled into a diner and requested a bowl of hot chili.

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    A man settled into a diner and requested a bowl of hot chili.

    The server apologized, explaining, “I’m sorry, but the gentleman beside you received the last serving.”

    Glancing over, the first man noticed that while his neighbor had finished eating, his chili remained untouched.

    Curious, he inquired, “Do you plan to eat that chili?”

    The other patron replied, “No, not at all. Please, help yourself.”

    Gratefully, he slid the bowl over and began to indulge in the savory, chunky chili, savoring its rich flavors.

    However, as he reached the midpoint of his meal, his spoon clinked against an unexpected object.

    To his horror, nestled within the chili was a deceased mouse.

    His stomach revolted, expelling the chili back into the bowl.

    With a knowing look, the other diner remarked,

    “I see you’ve reached the same point I did.”

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